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主演:安吉拉·贝塞特  阿尔菲·艾伦  Ciara Charteris  Jim Sturgess  Freddie Highmore  Charlotte Riley  Phoebe Fox  Alfie Allen  Angela Bassett

简介:[转自天涯小筑]BBC2迷你剧《与敌为伴》由Stephen Poliakoff撰写并导演,Helen Flint、Hilary Bevan Jones和Colin Callender参与制片。该剧以二战中被炸毁的一座伦敦饭店为背景,故事时间则设定在二战结束后的第一年。英国仍然受到严格的军事管制,英国军队以「军事战略」为理由任意征用家庭住宅、学校或其他设施作为军事用途,人们对此习以为常。冷战已经初具雏形,昔日的盟军成员国意识到纳粹德国的一些顶级科学家可能对他们建设国土防御体系极有帮助,于是四处展开追捕。 Callum Ferguson上尉(Jim Sturgess)就是从事这项任务的一名英国情报官员。在退役之前,他必须完成最后一项军事任务:确保在战争中被俘获的德国科学家Dieter(August Diehl)将关乎英国国家安全的尖端军事科技秘密交出来。为了劝说Dieter投靠英国并帮助英国皇家空军研制最新型喷气发动机,Callum采用了反传统的方法。他和Dieter建立起友谊(即标题「与敌为伴」),但是很快发现Dieter的威胁远远超过他当初的想象——看起来这个德国人在纳粹战争机器中的作用非常不简单。 Freddie Highmore扮演Callum的弟弟Victor,长期前线作战的经历导致他患有严重的心理创伤。Alfred Molina扮演英国外交部官员Harold,他透露了一些与战争爆发有关的惊人真相。Charlotte Riley扮演妩媚迷人的亲英派美国人Rachel,与Callum最好的朋友订了婚。Angela Bassett扮演自信的美国爵士歌手Eva,用自己的歌声给死水一滩的旧饭店带来了生气。Phoebe Fox扮演坚强的年轻女人Kathy Griffiths,在战犯管理部门工作,该部门专门负责将那些逃脱审判的战争罪犯绳之以法——其中就包括Dieter。Robert Glenister扮演Wainwright准将,Alfie Allen扮演Ringwood,Lindsay Duncan扮演Bellinghausen夫人,Charity Wakefield参与演出。


  Close To The Enemy follows intelligence officer Captain Callum Ferguson (Sturgess), whose last task for the Army is to ensure that a captured German scientist, Dieter (Diehl), starts working for the British RAF on urgently developing the jet engine. With the background of the emerging Cold War, it is clear to all that it's crucial for British national security that cutting-edge technology is made available to the armed forces as quickly as possible. Callum uses unorthodox methods in his attempt to convince Dieter to work with the British and eventually a friendship develops between the two men, but soon tensions arise as all is not as it seems.
  Over the course of the series, Callum encounters a number of other characters whose stories all intertwine. These characters include Victor (Highmore), Callum’s younger brother, struggling to deal with psychological trauma caused by his experience in the fighting; Harold (Molina), a Foreign Office official who reveals some startling truths about the outbreak of the war; Rachel (Riley), an enchanting Anglophile American engaged to his best friend; and Kathy (Fox), a tough young woman working for the War Crimes Unit, fighting to bring war criminals who escaped prosecution to justice. All these characters are trying to rebuild and move their lives forward in the aftermath of the war, a war that scarred them all so deeply.


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